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We are affiliated with 1000+ of universities

Choosing a course of study in Australia can be daunting, with so many quality options available and numerous wonderful locations to live in while you do it. If you’re not sure where to start, or if you think you know where you’re going but want expert advice first, then speak with us before you apply. Our qualified and experienced education counsellors would love to hear your story and help you develop a comprehensive learning plan to get you where you want to go. And with our extensive institutional relationships, we can help you confirm if you’re looking at the right courses (or suggest alternatives if we know there’s something better)

Our Affiliated Universities


Each state government manages the school system within their state and provide funding for their schools. Both public schools and private schools exist in each state. The curriculum taught in each state or school may vary but the learning areas are the same in all.

Foundation Programs

Foundation programs (also known as Foundation Years or University Preparation courses) take many forms but they offer an alternative means for international students to access post-school institutions. They are most commonly used as a pathway for students who do not meet the entry requirements of an undergraduate Bachelor degree program. Such programs are offered by institutions in the School, VET, ELICOS and Higher Education sectors.


Australia has a Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. VET prepares people for work in a career that does not need a university degree. the national body regulates and manages the system and ensures consistent national standards. Typically, a VET course takes up to two years of study.
In the workplace employers use agreed courses and outcomes to set standards of training for employment. Many parts of industry and business provide ongoing workplace training for their employees. Some of this training can count towards a qualification. People who are educated overseas can gain recognition of their training which may help them to get employment.

VET providers offer a very large range of courses from Certificate I through to Bachelor Degrees, Graduate Certificates and sometimes Graduate Diplomas.

The following list details some of the more popular and common programs offered in Australia:
  • Business and Management
    ⦁ This covers a wide range of fields. VET offers programs including information technology, frontline management, hospitality and marketing courses


  • Community services and health care
    ⦁ These courses are designed to prepare students to work within organisations providing a range of community based services.
    ⦁ Courses are offered at a Certificate I entry level through to Diploma level.
    ⦁ These are often designed for workers who are predominantly involved in interpersonal contact with clients in a variety of community work services.


  • Communications and information technology
    ⦁ These courses provide students with the detailed knowledge and skills needed for a future career in information technologies.


  • Design and the arts
    ⦁ These courses offer theoretical and practical studies in a student’s chosen area as well as training in presenting work and business management


  • Engineering & building
    ⦁ Students can receive certificate to diploma qualifications in a wide variety of building and engineering fields such as air-conditioning and refrigeration, carpentry, design and civil engineering.


  • Hospitality and tourism
    ⦁ These programs can lead students into supervisory positions in the food service, hospitality and tourism industries.
    Land management, agriculture, fisheries and forestry
    ⦁ Training in these programs can lead students to careers in catchment and land management, water and wastewater management, farm management, conservation, land care, pest, animal and plant management, revegetation and land rehabilitation, protected area management, and wildlife management.


  • Sports & recreation
    ⦁ These programs enable students to gain employment in a variety of fields within the sports and recreation industries.
    ⦁ Students are provided with a fundamental knowledge of exercise programming, leadership and motivation, sports marketing, resistance training, nutrition, rehabilitation, personal training, and psychology.

Higher Education

The national government provides the funding for universities in all the states. While each university is independent in its governance and can decide on which courses they want to offer and the course content, they are regulated by TEQSA Typically, a university course takes three or four years of study.

AQF Qualification by Sector of Accreditation
AQF Qualification by Sector of Accreditation Vocational and Technical Education Sector Accreditation Higher Education Sector Accreditation
Vocational Graduate Diploma
Doctoral Degree
Vocational Graduate Certificate
Senior Secondary Certificate of Education Master Degree
Advanced Diploma
Graduate Diploma
Graduate Certificate
Certificate IV
Bachelor Degree
Certificate III
Associate Degree, Advanced Diploma
Certificate II